
Home Office Tour and My Daily Work Schedule

August 30, 2018

I’m Tara.
 I'm an influencer strategy expert, the host of Project Influence the Podcast, and the founder of Creator Cube™, a co-creating space for content creators. 
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Hey There!

I’m so excited to share my workspace with you today! One of my guilty pleasures in perusing Pinterest and pining over amazing office spaces. I always had this dream of creating my perfect workspace. Full of inspiration, beautiful furniture, and tons of fun elements that would have me excited to sit down to my work and laptop for the day!

Well, exactly 429 pins later, I finally got inspired to carve out a corner of our home and make it my own! I can’t take all the credit for this space though, I have to give it to Matt (if you’re new here, he’s my fantastic hubs and he’s incredibly handy!!) He totally brought my vision to life and I couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out!

As I said I drew my inspiration from Pinterest, but also from the fabulous Miss Jasmine Star! I’m a huge fan of hers and fell in LOVE with her space and her navy blue wall that she live streams in front of! I just love the pop of color behind her when she’s on video!

I would say that painting my navy accent wall was the biggest task we did in my office. I say we, but it was all Matt. Also, if you know Matt then you know he hates with a capital H to paint. Like he would rather get a tooth pulled than paint. But…. I love the color and fresh paint so he lovingly does it for me! Thanks, Babe! 😉

Everything else in this space was items that we already owned which I love! I’m a huge fan of repurposing things and moving them around our home to give spaces new life! Moving furniture around is another thing Matt loves to do! (Nope… that’s not true… he only does it if I beg!)

The two wingback chairs were in our living room at our previous home. They don’t really go with our current living room furniture so they hang out in my office. I plan to recover them at some point but for now, they are here in all their floral glory! The desk was also a piece in our previous home that we didn’t really use much, but now that I work from home it’s been perfect in my office!

I would say that what really makes me enjoy this space is the accessories. I mean, technically I can take my little laptop anywhere and work. And, sometimes I do, depending on what the kids are doing or where they are in the house. But, I made it a point to decorate this space with things that inspire me to want to work here. Little things like the girls’ pictures on my desk, an amazing candle, and fresh flowers really help me get into a joyful, inspired, and creative place for the day.

If you’ve been thinking about redoing a room or space in your home for a workspace, I hope this inspires you to do so. Remember that it doesn’t have to be expensive and you can add to it as you go. The biggest expensive with my entire office makeover was the paint! Less than $30!

I’d love to see pics of your space and know what or how it inspires you to create your dream life or biz!

Also! I thought it’d be helpful to give you a rundown of my workday and what that looks like for me. I know so many of you are WAHM’s so our days all look a little different, but I always love to hear how other entrepreneurs set their days up! Hopefully, I can share some tips with you that you’ll love!

  • First, let me give you a disclaimer. This is what I strive to do… LOL. In a perfect world, every day would look like this for me. But, we all know that perfect is just not attainable and sometimes things just come up. I’m happy to say though, that since I’ve made it a priority to be more organized, I do have more days that look and feel good to me and my business than not… and that’s a win in my book!

One of the biggest shifts I’ve made in my daily schedule is to not start my workday until after I’ve done what I need to do for me.

Those things are:

  1. Spend a distraction-free morning with my family. (No phone, social media, emails, no work stuff at all!)
  2. Workout (non-negotiable) Even if it’s just a walk or a quick stretch session! I need to move to be able to feel good!)
  3. Make my bed (If you know me personally, you know I’m neurotic about my bed!) shower + get dressed.

That’s it. Those are the only requirements I put on myself. I’ve found that if I give myself too many rules, the rule breaker in me starts to rebel lol. I’ve also found that I work well in 3’s. Weird I know. But, my mind likes and can handle 3 things at a time.

Those three things might not seem monumental, but I know that if something comes up and the rest of my day is completely hijacked by a sick kiddo, an unexpected errand, or a freaking power outage that takes my internet out, I will still feel good about myself and my accomplishments for the day.

Anything I can do to minimize stress, anxiety, and overwhelm is my JAM and I’ve found that getting these things done first really sets me up to handle whatever the rest of the day throws at me.

Also, you should know, that “Getting Dressed” is very relative. LOL. Some days it’s full on because I have photos to do and some days its yoga pants and a tee shirt. I just go with the flow ya know!

Alright so once my workday has officially begun, it’s around 10 am. At this point, I still am really strict about avoiding social media until I’ve created something for my business or my audience. I heard this tip from the amazing Julie Solomon about a year ago and it has been life changing for me.

Create before you consume!

It can be tempting to jump right into Facebook or Instagram to see how your content is doing, check DM’s or emails BUT… doing that will send you down the reactive rabbit hole and your content will suffer big time.

For me, once I know that someone needs something from me, rather than be an answer to a question, a comment that needs responding to, or just a post that needs some love and encouragement, I literally can’t think of anything else. My writing won’t be as heartfelt, I’m a tad anxious, and I tend to rush through things to get back to the thing that needs my attention.

It’s really stressful to work that way! Most successful entrepreneurs know this and preach that it’s best to batch work or work in blocks of time dedicated to one task at a time. Meaning, finish one thing before you let your mind think about another. Now, I don’t know about you, but my content is the most important thing. It’s how I serve my audience and it’s how I help people! So… For me, I like to give it my undivided and uncluttered attention FIRST!  

My best advice in this area is to know that those emails, DM’s, and comments aren’t going anywhere. That setting proper expectations for people is important and if someone gets upset because you don’t immediately respond to them, well…. You probably don’t want to work with someone like that anyway.

Alright. So now that I’ve created my content it’s usually around lunchtime. Now, I’d like to tell you that I go downstairs and make some amazingly healthy meal and eat it at the table before returning to my desk. Welp, that’ just not true. While I do eat a healthy lunch most days, it’s usually something quick like leftovers from the night before or an easy sandwich and piece of fruit. I do occasionally go out and grab something because let’s face it, sometimes you need to see other humans during the day!

By now it’s about 1 pm and I’m back at my laptop. This is when I finally get into my emails, DM’s, or messages. I spend about an hour here checking on my social posts from the day before, jumping in my group and helping my ladies out in there, or networking with other entrepreneurs. I try to limit this time to only checking on my own social accounts and not scrolling with no objective. You’d be surprised how a seemingly harmless scroll can turn into 45 minutes down the drain. Not worth it.

OK, so now it’s about 2 pm and I like to plan my next day at this point. I check my online calendar (We use My content manager, Allie, who is amazing, introduced me to this platform and it’s been a game changer for keeping me organized. I love seeing all my to do’s in one place! I’m a list person so being able to check things off once complete is way more exciting than it should be for me. 🙂

I do still use a paper calendar and am totally digging the Inkwell Press Calendar/Planner. I’m a sucker for a pretty planner and this one is super cute and affordable! LOVE IT!

By now it’s close to 3pm. I do a quick check in with Allie to make sure she has everything she needs from me and tie up anything else that is lingering around from the day. I really strive to be done working for the day by 3 pm. This is the time that I go pick my kiddos up and we start our afternoon/evening activities. Gymnastics, softball, dinner, homework… the whole shebang! #Momduties

I do my best to not do any work activities from the time I pick them up until bedtime, but things to do come up from time to time and despite my best efforts…. Things just happen. We just roll with it! I do, however, find that the closer I can stick to the schedule above the better I feel about how I show up as a mom. #Workinprogress 🙂

Alright! That’s it! That’s my workday. I really do hope that it inspires you to create a workflow that you enjoy and that makes sense for you and your family! Know that not every day hits the nail on the head and that’s ok. Perfect is not the goal, just showing up for you and yours in a way that makes you proud. Whatever that looks like for you is all you need to strive for!


I didn’t add in my “morning routine” here as this was more geared towards my workday… but, I do have a few things that I do before I even get out of bed! Setting intentions for the day through a journaling practice is HUGE! Check out my blog post here on my Morning routine and why you need one! 🙂

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  1. Shelly Watson says:


  2. […] in which a blogger works to bring her thoughts and visions to life. Some of y’all remember an older blog post where I walked you through the process of how I (and when I say “I,” I’m really talking about […]

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