
How to Write a Successful Blog Post

April 8, 2022

I’m Tara.
 I'm an influencer strategy expert, the host of Project Influence the Podcast, and the founder of Creator Cube™, a co-creating space for content creators. 
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When I first started my blog I just started writing – I didn’t necessarily follow any guidelines or have a “purpose” for the post, I just knew I needed to write one. Blogging is a huge aspect of being a content creator (although not all of it) and can be intimidating to say the least. Plus, you’ll see hundreds, if not thousands, of blog posts about writing blog posts… Some of which weren’t even created by successful bloggers.

When you launch a blog, you’re typically creating content that you want someone to read or, ideally, shop from. As a blogger and influencer, our income mainly comes from partnerships (sponsored posts) and affiliate marketing. While we’ll save affiliate marketing for another day, we can absolutely cover what’s needed for a successful blog post.

And, surprisingly, it’s a little less than you think. You only really need to focus on three main things to create a successful blog post:

  1. Writing with a purpose in mind
  3. Making sure you have quality content

Let’s break it down a little bit more…

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#1. Write with a Purpose

A purpose, a goal, a partnership – whatever you need to call it, make sure you’re writing and TARGETING it. If your purpose is to show your audience your favorite pair of Vici Dolls winter boots and encourage them to shop your affiliate links or use your discount code, you’ll want to make sure you’re focusing on the boots!

The same goes for if you’re doing a DIY or travel blog post – stick to the purpose! Don’t drift too much into what you did yesterday and two weeks ago, stick to what you did while you were traveling or how you did a certain thing during the DIY. 

How do you write a successful blog post? By writing what your audience came to read.


In #1, we talked about focusing on your purpose – and one of those purposes was affiliate marketing. One of the other things to consider when writing a successful blog post is marketing. This includes:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Marketing Your Digital Products
  • Adding Subscription Forms
  • Throwing in Your Discount Code
  • Asking Readers to Follow You or Subscribe to Your Youtube

And much much more.

Marketing yourself and the products you use is how you create a long-term audience. Whether they decide to go to your Youtube, follow you on IG, or subscribe to your newsletter, they’ve decided that they want to hear from you again. When you don’t include this type of self-marketing in your content, you’re letting readers come and go without having a way to continue staying up to date on your latest.

Pro tip on how to write a successful blog post in 2022.

#3. Quality Content

I swear by quality content. Even if you slack on the other two (because we all have those days), quality content can carry your blog post. Quality content refers to content that is easy to read and understand by your audience, content your audience is interested in, and content that has actual quality – like high-quality photos and clear images.

With quality content, you can connect with your readers and potential brand partners easily – essentially you’ll be able to write a successful blog post. It’s actually one of the topics I focus on in my course for content creators and influencers, The Influencer Blueprint.

Looking for more advice on becoming a successful content creator? Follow me on Instagram @taradcarr for the latest!

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